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Showing posts with the label The Issue With Wealth

The Issue With Wealth II

There is a point one can get to in life where money is no longer a challenge. If one reaches this level and care is not taken, you may discover that dependence on God on certain issues may begin to decline. Because some of the things the person used to pray about, money can now provide them. There is another category of people who have all the money they will ever need in life; and there are others that have never known what is called lack all their life. These kind of people may never understand if you tell them how impoverished people are, out their. They may see it in the television or in the papers but they may not fully come to terms with it. Some in this group can put people down to make sure they maintain position. Then, finally we have the poor folks and those trying to make ends meet. I have one problem with this last two category, especially the poor, they always think that the rich is the cause of their poverty. You may never blame someone who was born with a silver ...

The Issue With Wealth

It has been said that wealth is a reward for value. I agree a million times. I was discussing with a friend over something and he said, "What I want is the one that will be bringing money quick, quick". Immediately he said that I was taken aback. This kind of statement is what would be glaring, were you to cut open many hearts. But the truth is that only one percent of the world's population are controlling the wealth , others are just following and wishing they were more lucky. The average man on the street is hustling believing that one day more than enough money will enter his account. If a new flourishing business comes to town you will see everyone running into it looking for wealth. If for instance Nigeria discovers oil in a new sight now, many will rush to become oil workers. They are all in search of wealth. They need more money (ego, kudi, owo)! But on the other hand, wealth creators or rather value creators do not move with the trend or the hassles rath...