It has been said that wealth is a reward for value. I agree a million times. I was discussing with a friend over something and he said, "What I want is the one that will be bringing money quick, quick". Immediately he said that I was taken aback. This kind of statement is what would be glaring, were you to cut open many hearts. But the truth is that only one percent of the world's population are controlling the wealth, others are just following and wishing they were more lucky.
The average man on the street is hustling believing that one day more than enough money will enter his account. If a new flourishing business comes to town you will see everyone running into it looking for wealth. If for instance Nigeria discovers oil in a new sight now, many will rush to become oil workers. They are all in search of wealth. They need more money (ego, kudi, owo)!
But on the other hand, wealth creators or rather value creators do not move with the trend or the hassles rather they create the trend and the trend follow them. My simple definition of trend is, "men on the chase of value". We are living in a generation where value system has been eroded. That explains the craze for fashion trends. Someone somewhere who have created value which could be negative too, is influencing what millions will wear.
Within everyone is a talent, a gift, a skill that God has deposited to be exploited for greatness. I believe that it is the pressure to do what seems to be working and the lack of discipline to follow one's gifting that is the greatest rubber of humanity. Humanity, because, what we enjoy today: the technologies; the music; the entertainment; the recipes for preparing our food; and so on; are gifts that were exploited in people. Many of those who created what benefit us today are dead but humanity is still profiting. The pursuit of trend, what is in vogue, is really rubbing people of the wealth they could create, and humanity at large of the bests of technologies to be discovered, the best of songs to be released etc.
The problem is not money. It is not even bad economy. It is mind drift and drain. Minds have been made to believe in meaninglessness while the value inside is left untapped. Man is created by God. According to (Jeremiah 1:5) God knows exactly what we are supposed to become. He knows what we ought to be because He knows what He deposited in us. It is discovery the unleashes who we really are. And discovery begins when a man finds the Lord Jesus as a personal Lord and Savior (Romans 12: 4-6).
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