Scriptural Highlight: (Jeremiah 2:5) - "This is what the Lord says: "What fault did your fathers find in me, that they strayed so far from me? They followed worthless idols and became worthless themselves."
Sometimes, we humans think that if we refuse to believe or to be faithful to God, that we are doing God dis-service but the reverse is actually case - it is us that fall victim when we stray from God's presence. In 2Timothy2:13, Bible says, "If we are faithless, he will remain faithful for He cannot disown Himself."
When we stray from God, we smell; when we stray from Him, we get stranded. A lot of people go for deliverance in churches without a change of way or lifestyle, and after the deliverance, they forget that God's anointing touched them; they go back to their idol again without receiving the life of Christ, and, in the end, their later self become worse than it was before the deliverance.
From our scriptural highlight again, it is clear that to follow worthless idols is to become worthless yourself. Worthlessness means living without value, living merciless and graceless life; a point where God turns His back on a nation. But mind you, it was not God who made them worthless, their backsliding made them worthless. If you obey the devil, you take his nature. If you serve idol, you become like the idol you serve. But if you repent and serve God, you become like God, you take His nature, His glory is seen all over you. Psalm 106:20 captures it well: "They exchanged their Glory for an image of an ox that eats grass."
If you are in Christ never envy an unbeliever, never admire their ways; what you carry is glorious and priceless. The life we have in Christ manufactures every thing needed in our destiny. When Jesus needed tax money, the mouth of a fish was handy. When five thousand men were hungry after hearing Jesus for a long time, five loaves and just two fish was enough. When economic situation was so hard in Israel that people were boiling their own children and eating because of hunger, just a word from Elisha the prophet of God was enough. As long as there is God's presence in your life, nothing is impossible. Don't sell God's presence for worthlessness. Esau made common His birthright and he lost it. Don't "commonize" your "Sonship" in God. You will definitely flourish.
Pray: Lord, I refuse to sell my worth. I renew my faith in Christ Jesus.