Scriptural Highlight: (Acts 1:8)- "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit is come on you, and you will be my witnesses."
From our scriptural highlight for today, we read "but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit is come on you, and you will be my witnesses." In other words, you don't have the power to "be" unless you have the Holy Spirit. But, in our world today, we see lots of people trying to "be" things for God without the Holy Spirit. Many claim to represent God but God's requirement is lacking. I have been in situations where people who came to share the gospel ended up grieving my spirit though am a Christian too. What was been said lacked power and fervor of the Holy Spirit. If this can happen to me, what about the unbelievers who need the message to be saved. What an error to talk about a mighty God without His presence and power! Before the out pour of the Holy Spirit, it amazed me that before Jesus sent out his disciples two by two for outreach, He had to empower them. Beloved, don't run off in haste to do things for God in the flesh, it will fail. The word of God is clear that no man shall prevail by his strength. Paul said "In the last days that men will have a form godliness but denying the power" (2Timothy3:5). Seek God and his enabling power for the assignment over your life. In the days of His power, the people shall be willing, (Psalm 102:3). Go and Flourish!