Scriptural Highlight: (Romans12:1) - "I appeal to you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship."
In this scripture, God is making an appeal through the writer, Apostle Paul. What is an appeal? To appeal is to make an earnest request for something; another meaning of appeal is to make a review on something. So in our scriptural highlight, Paul was earnestly requesting that brethren (believers in Christ) in Rome present their bodies to God as a living sacrifices; Paul was reviewing a charge he already gave to the Roman church - that is to say, God was re-emphasizing to the church the need to submit themselves as living sacrifices.
Also notice that the appeal God was making through Paul was based on the mercies of God: "I appeal to you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God..." It is as if Paul was saying in essence, "brethren what it takes to submit yourselves to God is available through the mercies of God. It is not by the strength of man. The mercies of God is present to help you. There is no excuse why you shouldn't present your bodies to God, because the mercies of God is available." The appeal, was making a demand on the mercies of God: Mercy set us free when we were condemned; mercy delivered us, even when we were lawful captives; mercy paid the price for our sin; mercy gave us the life of God, the ability to live our lives only for God.
If we can realize the depth and height and breadth of God's love and mercies towards us, it won't be hard for us to submit our lives to God as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable unto God. If our minds can be occupied by works Jesus did for us on the Cross of Calvary when he healed us, delivered us and empowered us as sons in His Father's kingdom, submission to the will of God will not be too hard. This is because, transformation comes by mind renewal in the word of God. Hebrew2:1 charges us to pay much attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it.
Beloved, God is making this appeal again to us. The appeal in the Bible was for the Roman church, so it is not enough to say am in church, am a Christian. More is needed. In our generation, the knowledge of God is increasing but consecrated men are scarce. Sacrificed lives (people who are wholly sold out for God's will) are few. A living sacrifice is someone whose life does not belong to him again; the person is dead already and sacrificed on the alter of the will of God; the life of God is now what is manifested. It is possible by God's available mercies. Flourish!
Pray: Oh Lord, I choose to submit myself unto you as living sacrifice, please help me Lord to live for you, In Jesus name.