Scriptural Highlight: (Mathew 15:32-33) - "Then Jesus called His disciples and said, "I have compassion on the crowd because they have been with me now three days and have nothing to eat. And I am unwilling to send them away hungry, lest they faint on the way."
From our scriptural highlight let's note the following: The crowd have been with Jesus for three days; Jesus by Himself noticed and felt the need in the life of the crowd which is at that moment, hunger; Jesus made moves to solve the immediate problems He noticed in the life of the crowd.
Beloved let's learn from the actions of Jesus in our scriptural highlight for today. When we forgo everything to be with Jesus, our problems becomes God's problem. When we stay in the atmosphere of God's presence, He Himself notices our needs and begins to move on our behalf. Most times we are in a haste in God's presence; we rush out before we have even made any quality contact with His presence; and even in that rush, we just bombard heaven with our request without due praise and worship.
Mathew 6:32-33 admonishes us not to pursue what the gentiles (unbelievers) are pursuing, that God knows all our needs. We should rather seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto us. We are not, in this platform, saying don't ask God for your needs; but in essence let us seek the weightier matters which is the kingdom of God and His righteousness. When the kingdom of God and God's righteousness is operational in a man's life, it answers every other questions in your life including provision or supply of your needs.
In Genesis 39:2 the word of God said, "The Lord was with Joseph and He prospered..." It is the presence of God in a man's life that creates the atmosphere or realm of prosperity. Therefore, beloved, let's value God's presence above materiality, above what life can give and so on. What God Himself can give, no man, no devil, nothing can give it. God is the creator of every thing and He can create anything for your sake if you stick around Him like the crowd did. As you make up your mind to cultivate God's presence today, I decree that you shall flourish!
Pray: Lord as you help me to pursue your presence, please reveal yourself more to me and move on all my situations, In Jesus name.