Every individual who has a relationship with God has a unique way God leads he or she. Personally, God has led me in different ways but one point is clear in my dealings with God: whenever there is a topic of importance, maybe something am neglecting and God wants my attention on it, He has a way of staying my heart on the topic. For instance, there is an article I perceive I should work on and I have been kind of ignoring it; but despite my trying to ignore it, the topic won't just go away; it looks like the topic has been posted in my heart that no matter what I do I can't just get it off my memory. That is one important way God leads his people: He puts an impression or a kind of sign in your heart. It can also come in form of a burden for you to do something or make moves to correct something that is wrong. However, it is important that prayers be made to get the correct message God wants to pass or to get the correct line of action, because, for God to use this ...
I am what I am by the Grace of God.